Schacht, Hjalmar

Schacht, Hjalmar

German financier
in full  Horace Greely Hjalmar Schacht  
born Jan. 22, 1877, Tinglev, Ger.
died June 4, 1970, Munich, W.Ger. [now in Germany]
 German banker and financial expert who achieved international renown by halting the ruinous inflation that threatened the existence of the Weimar Republic in 192223. He also served as minister of economics (193437) in the National Socialist government of Adolf Hitler.

      Appointed vice director of the Dresdner Bank in 1908, Schacht served during the early part of World War I as financial consultant for the German occupation government at Brussels (191415) and in 1916 was named director of the German National Banksubsequently the amalgamated Darmstädter and National Bank. In 1923, as special currency commissioner in the finance ministry, he developed a rigorous monetary program for halting rampant inflation and stabilizing the mark, and in December of the same year he was appointed president of Germany's leading financial institution, the Reichsbank. Later (1929) he headed the German delegation at Paris during the negotiation of a new plan of reparations payments for Germany but subsequently rejected the conference's major handiworkthe Young Plan.

      Resigning his Reichsbank presidency in 1930, Schacht cultivated an alliance with the German right-wing parties. After Hitler's accession to power (January 1933), he was reappointed president of the Reichsbank, a position he retained through his subsequent tenure as German minister of economics (193437). As economics minister he was responsible for the National Socialist unemployment and rearmament programs; but his rivalry with Hermann Göring, who in 1936 had become virtual dictator of the German economy, led to Schacht's resignation. Opposing Hitler's rearmament expenditure, he was in 1939 dismissed as Reichsbank president. He was imprisoned after the attempted assassination of Hitler that took place on July 20, 1944, and was later captured by the Allies. Arraigned before the International Military Tribunal at Nürnberg after World War II, he was ultimately acquitted. He subsequently founded his own bank in Düsseldorf and served as financial consultant for several countries.

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