

      (Italian:bohemianism”), a mid-19th-century avant-garde movement found mostly in Milan; influenced by Baudelaire, the French Symbolist poets, Edgar Allan Poe, and German Romantic writers, it sought to replace the classical, Arcadian, and moralistic traditions of Italian literature with works that featured bizarre and pathological elements and direct, realistic narrative description. One of the founding members, Cletto Arrighi (pseudonym for Carlo Righetti), coined the name for the group in his novel Scapigliatura e il 6 febbraio (1862). The chief spokesmen were the novelists Giuseppe Rovani and Emilio Praga. Other members included the poet and musician Arrigo Boito (chiefly remembered today as Verdi's librettist), the poet and literary professor Arturo Graf, and Iginio Ugo Tarchetti.

      Although some members of the group produced important literary work, they were more important as catalysts. Both of the major writers of verismo (Realism), Luigi Capuana (Capuana, Luigi) and Giovanni Verga (Verga, Giovanni), drew part of their inspiration from the scapigliati. As iconoclasts, the group also served as an example to 20th-century groups such as the Futurists and the Hermetic poets.

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