Satō Haruo

Satō Haruo

Japanese author

born April 9, 1892, Shingū, Wakayama prefecture, Japan
died May 6, 1964, Tokyo

      Japanese poet, novelist, and critic whose fiction is noted for its poetic vision and romantic imagination.

      Satō came from a family of physicians with scholarly and literary interests. He entered Keiō University in Tokyo to study with the novelist Nagai Kafū in 1910, but he had already joined the Myōjō group of poets revolving around Yosano Akiko and her husband, Tekkan, and he left Keiō without graduating.

      He began to attract attention with the short storySupein inu no ie” (1917; “The House of a Spanish Dog,” 1961), a piece of fantasy with a dreamlike tone. The prose poems Den'en no yūutsu (1919; “Rural Melancholy”) and Tokai no yūutsu (1922; “Urban Melancholy”) established his style of lyrical world-weary self-reflection. Satō met the novelist Tanizaki Jun'ichirō in 1916, the beginning of a friendship that ended several years later when he became involved with Tanizaki's wife. His first independent volume of poetry, Junjō shishū (1921; “Poems of Innocence”), was inspired by his sorrow at parting from her; but eventually they were married, in 1930. His main work of criticism is Taikutsu tokuhon (1926; “A Textbook of Boredom”). Akiko mandara (1954; “A Mandala for Akiko”) is a memorial to Yosano Akiko.

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