Sarton, George Alfred Leon

Sarton, George Alfred Leon

▪ American scholar
born Aug. 31, 1884, Ghent
died March 22, 1956, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.

      Belgian-born U.S. scholar and writer whose voluminous research and publications concerning the history of science did much to make the subject an independent discipline.

      A student of chemistry, celestial mechanics, and mathematics at the University of Ghent (Ph.D. mathematics, 1911), Sarton immigrated to England at the onset of World War I. In 1915 he arrived in the United States bringing with him the international quarterly review Isis, which he had founded in 1912, the first periodical to coordinate the results of historical research in all the sciences. He later (1936) founded a second journal, Osiris, devoted to lengthier papers on the history and philosophy of science, editing both periodicals until his death.

      Sarton was appointed research associate at the Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C., in 1918 and two years later became a lecturer at Harvard University, where he served as professor of the history of science (1940–51). After publication of the first volume of his classic work, Introduction to the History of Science, 3 vol. (1927–47; from Homer through the 14th century), he travelled through Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco (1931–32) to learn the Arabic language and to study original manuscripts necessary for completion of the second volume.

      At the time of his death, Sarton had completed the first two—Ancient Science Through the Golden Age of Greece (1952) and Hellenistic Science and Culture in the Last Three Centuries BC (1959)—of a projected nine volumes that he had planned for a history of all the sciences up to 1900.

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Universalium. 2010.

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