Sardica, Council of

Sardica, Council of

ancient ecclesiastical council
      (342/343), an ecclesiastical council of the Christian Church held at Sardica, or Serdica (modern Sofia, Bulg.). It was convened by the joint emperors Constantius II (Eastern, sympathetic to the Arian party) and Constans I (Western, sympathetic to the Nicene party) to attempt a settlement of the Arian controversies. In fact, the council merely embittered still further the relations between the two parties and those between the Western and Eastern halves of the Roman Empire. When Athanasius (Athanasius, Saint), whom the East had removed from his bishopric, appeared at the council and the Western bishops refused to exclude him, the Eastern bishops refused to take part and formulated a written protest addressed to several foreign prelates. The Western bishops, presided over by Hosius of Córdoba, confirmed the restoration of Athanasius and acquitted Marcellus of Ancyra of heresy. Canons 3, 4, and 5 of this council were of great historical importance. They invested the bishop of Rome with a prerogative that was the first legal recognition of the bishop of Rome's jurisdiction over the other sees and was, therefore, the basis for the further development of the Roman bishop's primacy as pope.

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Universalium. 2010.

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