Sandeman, Robert — (1718–71) Sect Founder. Sandeman was the son in law of John glas and he gave his name to the Sandemanian sect. This group’s doctrines were strictly based on the Bible and it exerted strict discipline on its members. Sandeman himself was the … Who’s Who in Christianity
Robert Sandeman (theologian) — church which he helped to promote.Derek B. Murray, Robert Sandeman in Donald M. Lewis (ed.) Dictionary of Evangelical Biography, Blackwell, 1995, pp 970 971] He was born the second of twelve children to a linen weaver, David Sandeman and his wife … Wikipedia
Robert Groves Sandeman — (* 25. Februar 1835 in Perth (Schottland); † 29. Januar 1892 in Las Bela im heutigen Pakistan), war als Offizier an der Eroberung und als Gouverneur nach 1871 wesentlich an der Eingliederung Baluchistans in das britische indische Kolonialreich… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Robert Sandeman — can refer to one of the following persons:*Robert Sandeman (theologian) (1718 1771), whose teachings became known as Sandemanianism *Robert Groves Sandeman (1835 1892), Indian officer and administrator … Wikipedia
Sandeman — (spr. Sänndimänn), Robert, geb. 1723 in Perth, st. 1771 in Neuengland; Schwiegersohn u. Schüler von John Glaß, presbyterianischem Landprediger der Schottischen Kirche, welcher 1773 in Donder starb. Glaß verlangte gänzliche Unabhängigkeit aller… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Robert Groves — ist der Name folgender Personen: Robert M. Groves (* 1948), US amerikanischer Statistiker und Soziologe Robert Groves Sandeman (1835–1892), britische Militärperson Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheid … Deutsch Wikipedia
Robert Groves Sandeman — Infobox Person name = Robert Groves Sandeman caption = birth date = 1853 birth place = death date = 1892 death place = other names = known for = occupation = relatives = spouse = website = footnotes = Robert Groves Sandeman, KCSI (1835 1892),… … Wikipedia
Glas, John — ▪ Scottish minister Glas also spelled Glass born Sept. 21, 1695, Auchtermuchty, Fife, Scot. died Nov. 2, 1773, Perth Scottish Presbyterian clergyman denounced by his church for opposing the concept of a national religious establishment.… … Universalium
Grace Evangelical Society — The Grace Evangelical Society (GES) is a small evangelical Christian advocacy organization based in Irving, Texas whose purpose is to promote Free Grace Theology. Founded in 1986, it stages national and regional conferences, local seminars,… … Wikipedia
Free Grace theology — refers to a distinct view of Christian topics, such as faith, repentance, assurance of salvation, and perseverance, that is tied to dispensationalism. Two organizations that promote it are the Grace Evangelical Society (GES), and the Free Grace… … Wikipedia