Salic Law of Succession

Salic Law of Succession

German law
      the rule by which, in certain sovereign dynasties (monarchy), persons descended from a previous sovereign only through a woman were excluded from succession to the throne. Gradually formulated in France, the rule takes its name from the code of the Salian Franks, the Lex Salica ( Salic Law).

      Because each French king from the late 10th century to the early 14th century had a son who could succeed him, the Capetian dynasty was not faced with any controversy over succession to the throne. After the Capetian king Louis X died in 1316 leaving no male heir and a pregnant widow, who gave birth to a son who died after five days, Philip V, a brother of Louis X, convened the Estates-General (1317), which established the principle that women would be excluded from succession to the French throne. During the same period the corollary principle also came to be acceptedi.e., that descent from a daughter of a French king could not constitute a claim to royal succession.

      During the 14th and 15th centuries, attempts were made to provide juridical grounds for the exclusion of women from the royal succession. The main reason adduced in each case was custom, though Roman law and the priestly character of kingship were also used as justifications. The Salic Law was first mentioned in 1410 in a treatise against the claims to the French throne by Henry IV of England.

      In the 16th century the text of the Salic Law was taken up by expositors of the theory of royal power, who advanced it as a fundamental law of the kingdom. In 1593 the authority of the Salic Law was expressly invoked to deny the candidature for the French throne of the Spanish infanta Isabella, the granddaughter of Henry II of France by his daughter's marriage to Philip II of Spain, despite the strongly pro-Spanish attitude of the dominant faction in Paris at the time. Thereafter, the Salic Law was invariably accepted as fundamental, though it was not always the explicit reason given for excluding women from the throne. Napoleon (Napoleon I) also adopted the Salic Law, which was applied in France as late as 1883.

      There was no principle against succession by daughters in default of sons in England, Scandinavia, and Angevin Naples (12651442). Likewise, Spain had no such principle until Philip V, the first Spanish king to come from the French house of Bourbon (Bourbon, House of), introduced a less-stringent variation of the Salic Law by his Auto Acordado of 1713, which was later repealed. The Salic Law of Succession was applied when Victoria, who was from the house of Hanover (Hanover, House of), became queen of England in 1837 but was barred from succession to the Hanover crown, which went to her uncle.

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