Runge, Friedlieb Ferdinand

Runge, Friedlieb Ferdinand

German chemist
born Feb. 8, 1795, Hamburg [Germany]
died March 25, 1867, Oranienburg, Prussia [Germany]

      German chemist considered to be the originator of the widely used analytic technique of paper chromatography.

      Runge earned a medical degree from the University of Jena in 1819 and a doctorate in chemistry from the University of Berlin in 1822. He was a professor at the University of Breslau (now Wrocław, Pol.) before taking a post as a chemist in a chemical factory at Oranienburg in 1831. In the course of his research on synthetic dyes, he isolated and named several important components of coal-tar oil, among them carbolic acid (now called phenol), pyrrole, rosolic acid (aurin), and cyanol (aniline). He did not analyze any of these compounds, however. Runge described his pioneering use of paper chromatography in two books published in 1850. He also noted the ability of belladonna to induce long-lasting dilation of the pupil of the eye (mydriasis), and he developed a process for obtaining sugar from beet juice.

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