Roux, Jacques

Roux, Jacques

French priest
died January 20, 1794, near Paris, France

      French priest who became the leader of the democratic extremists known as the Enragés (Enragé) (literallyMadmen”) during the French Revolution.

      At the outbreak of the Revolution in 1789, Roux was a vicar of a parish in Paris. Soon he began preaching the ideals of popular democracy to crowds of Parisian sansculottes (sansculotte) (wage earners and shopkeepers). In 1791 he was elected to the Paris Commune. France's economy deteriorated rapidly after the country went to war with Austria in April 1792, and in May Roux demanded that hoarders be put to death. He led food riots in Paris in February 1793 and was a leader of the sansculotte crowds that forced the National Convention to expel its moderate Girondin deputies on June 2.

      Nevertheless, the Jacobins, who then took charge of the Revolution, were reluctant to institute the stringent economic controls demanded by Roux. On June 24 Roux violently denounced the Convention for its failure to curb hoarders and war profiteers. He was blamed for the soap riots that broke out in Paris the following day, and on July 28 the Jacobin leader Robespierre attacked him as a foreign agent and counterrevolutionary. Shortly thereafter Roux was expelled from the Commune and the Cordeliers Club (Society of the Friends of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen). To win over his adherents, the Convention took action against monopolists and hoarders and requisitioned food supplies for the populace of Paris (JulyAugust 1793). The Enragés' program was taken over by left-wing Jacobins under Jacques-René Hébert, and on September 5 Roux was arrested. Six months later he committed suicide in Bicêtre prison.

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