Rossetti, Gabriele

Rossetti, Gabriele

Italian scholar
in full  Gabriele Pasquale Giuseppe Rossetti  
born Feb. 28, 1783, Vasto, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]
died April 24, 1854, London, Eng.

      Italian poet, revolutionary, and scholar, known for his esoteric interpretation of Dante but best known as the father of several talented children, all of whom were born in England, to which he had fled as a political refugee from his native land.

      Rossetti was the son of a blacksmith and was clever enough to be able to study at the University of Naples. In 1807 he was librettist at the San Carlo opera house in Naples and was later appointed curator of ancient marbles and bronzes in the Capodimonte Museum in Naples.

      He frequently improvised spirited verses on contemporary politics; one indignant outburst directed against Ferdinand II, the tyrant king of Naples who had revoked the Constitution in 1821, added to Rossetti's membership in the revolutionary society Carbonari, provoked the sentence of death. After a time in hiding, he escaped to England via Malta in 1824. There he supported himself by giving Italian lessons and wrote a commentary on Dante's La divina commedia (The Divine Comedy (Divine Comedy, The)), of which only two volumes were published (1825 and 1826).

      In Sullo spirito antipapale che produsse la Reforma (1831; Disquisitions on the Antipapal Spirit Which Produced the Reformation), Rossetti claimed that The Divine Comedy was written in the code language of a humanistic secret society that was opposed to political and ecclesiastical tyranny. This work's antipapal character led to his appointment in 1831 as professor of Italian at King's College, London, a post he held until 1847, when his sight was seriously impaired.

      In 1826 he had married Frances Mary Lavinia Polidori, deemed the cleverest and best looking of four daughters of another Italian teacher and man of letters, Gaetano Polidori, Tuscan by birth but Londoner by adoption.

      When Rossetti became professor, he received fellow exiles, busied himself with propaganda for a liberally governed and united Italy, and continued publishing his own poetry and such treatises as La Beatrice di Dante (1842), which interpreted Beatrice as the symbol of Dante's soul. Rossetti's eccentric interpretations of Dante are now considered unacceptable, but he transmitted his love of Italian poetry and in particular his reverence for Dante's La vita nuova and La divina commedia to his sons and daughters.

      There were four Rossetti children: Maria Francesca (b. Feb. 17, 1827d. Nov. 24, 1876); Gabriel Charles Dante, who later called himself Dante Gabriel; William Michael; and Christina Georgina. All were born in London and baptized in the Church of England. The Rossetti family was a remarkable group. All its members were endowed with unusual intelligence, were equally at home with the languages and literary traditions of both England and Italy, and were united among themselves by close ties of affection and mutual understanding. The talents and characteristics they shared were combined with creative gifts of a high order.

William Gaunt John Bryson

Additional Reading
R.D. Waller, The Rossetti Family, 18241854 (1932, reissued 1972), is an account of Gabriele Rossetti and the family in his lifetime.

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