Rops, Félicien

Rops, Félicien

Belgian artist
born July 7, 1833, Namur, Belg.
died Aug. 22, 1898, Essonnes, France

      Belgian painter and graphic artist remembered primarily for his prints.

      Rops attended the University of Brussels. His early work on student periodicals attracted the attention of publishers, and he began to produce illustrations, contributing some of his finest lithographs to the satirical journal Uylenspiegel in 185960. About 1860 he went to Paris, where he worked in the studio of Henri-Alfred Jacquemart. Returning to Brussels, he founded the short-lived International Society of Etchers. In 1865 he produced his famousAbsinthe Drinkerand in 1871Lady with the Puppet.”

      After 1874 Rops lived in Paris, where he became a friend of the poet Charles Baudelaire. Devoting himself principally to illustrating books, he also published Cent croquis pour réjouir les honnêtes gens (“One Hundred Sketches to Delight Solid Citizens”). Among his notable book illustrations are those for Légendes flamandes (“Flemish Legends”), by C. de Coster; Jeune France (“Young France”), by Théophile Gautier; Les Diaboliques (Weird Women), by Barbey d'Aurevilly; Zadig, by Voltaire; and the poems of Stéphane Mallarmé. He joined the revolutionary art society of Les Vingt (Vingt, Les) formed at Brussels in 1884.

      Many of Rops's etchings are erotic or pornographic in tone and depict an imaginary underworld or subjects of social decadence. Despite his peculiarities, Rops was a printmaker of brilliant technique and original content whose handling of dry point ( etching directly on the plate) marks him as one of the masters of the medium. He was also one of the first modern etchers to revive the neglected medium of soft-ground etching, in which the etching ground is melted into and mixed with tallow, producing the effect of lines drawn with a soft pencil or chalk.

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