Roosevelt, Edith

Roosevelt, Edith

American first lady
née  Edith Kermit Carow 
born August 6, 1861, Norwich, Connecticut, U.S.
died September 30, 1948, Oyster Bay, New York
 American first lady (190109), the second wife of Theodore Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Theodore), 26th president of the United States. She was noted for institutionalizing the duties of the first lady and refurbishing the White House.

      Edith Carowthe daughter of Charles Carow, a wealthy shipping magnate, and Gertrude Tyler Carowknew her future husband, Theodore Roosevelt, from her early childhood. In his youth, Edith's father had traveled in Europe with Theodore's father, and after both men married their families continued to see each other socially. Edith grew up near the Roosevelt home in New York City, and she was especially close to Theodore's younger sister, Corinne, with whom she began attending a school for girls in 1871. Edith became an avid and discerning reader, and Theodore later boasted that her taste in literature was superior to his.

      As the Carow family shipping fortune declined, Edith and her younger sister, Emily, found themselves in reduced circumstances, and they resided briefly with wealthy relatives of their mother. The family's financial difficulties, along with her father's excessive drinking, caused Edith considerable discomfort, and to shield herself from hurt she became an intensely private person.

      While still in their early teens, Edith and Theodore developed a romantic relationship, but the romance ended abruptly, for reasons not entirely clear, while he was a student at Harvard. Not long afterward, Theodore began courting Alice Hathaway Lee, and they were married just months after he graduated in 1880. Edith attended the Boston wedding as a family friend, and she continued to see Theodore and his bride socially.

      Alice Lee Roosevelt died in February 1884, soon after giving birth to a daughter, Alice Roosevelt (Longworth, Alice Roosevelt). The distraught widower fled to his ranch in the Badlands of the Dakotas, leaving his child with his older sister in New York, and he and Edith did not see each other for some time. On one of his trips to New York he and Edith accidentally met, and their truncated teenage romance resumed. Theodore began seeing Edith privately, and on November 17, 1885, she agreed to marry him. The wedding took place in London, where the Carow women were trying to economize by living abroad, on December 2, 1886.

      After a long European honeymoon, Edith and Theodore returned to live at the house that he had begun constructing for his first wife near Oyster Bay, Long Island. Formerly called Leeholm (the name chosen by his first wife), it was renamed Sagamore Hill and became the favoured family retreat and Edith's principal residence for the rest of her life. Soon after their marriage, the couple resumed custody of Theodore's daughter, Alice. Edith gave birth to five children (four sons and one daughter) between 1887 and 1897 and suffered at least one miscarriage.

      The Roosevelts lived in Washington, D.C., in 188995, when Theodore was chairman of the United States Civil Service Commission, and again in 189798, when he was assistant secretary of the navy. Edith's introduction to Washington society gave her valuable preparation for her future job as first lady. While in Washington she also developed a network of literary companions, including the hard-to-please Henry Adams (Adams, Henry), who was the author of one of the great autobiographies of Western literature and a descendant of Presidents John Adams (Adams, John) and John Quincy Adams (Adams, John Quincy). While Theodore was governor of New York (18991901), Edith presided over the large Executive Mansion in Albany, where she acquired the technique of distancing herself from callers at official receptions by using a handheld bouquet as an attractive shield. Theodore was elected vice president in 1900 and became president on September 14, 1901, upon the death of President William McKinley (McKinley, John) by an assassin's bullet.

      Once in the White House, Edith Roosevelt made her mark in several ways. In order to create more living space for her large family, she and the president arranged for the construction of a new West Wing to house the presidential offices, which until then had shared the second floor with the family living quarters. Many other presidential families had complained about the lack of space in the White House, but no one had come up with an acceptable solutionuntil the Roosevelts. In 1902 Theodore officially renamed the mansion the White House.

      Edith also redesigned the interior of the mansion, working with the architectural firm of McKim, Mead, & White. A large staircase was removed on the main floor, making possible a much-enlarged State Dining Room, and all the formal rooms were redecorated in the elegant, classically simple lines and colours that they retained for the next century. The new style marked a big change from the ornate, dark velvets and fringes of the late 19th century, which Edith's stepdaughter, Alice, wittily described aslate General Grant and early Pullman.” In keeping with her belief that the White House was a national treasure, Edith arranged for two important displays. On the ground floor, she directed the hanging of portraits of first ladies—“all the ladiesincluding myself,” she stipulatedand nearby she exhibited an enlarged collection of presidential china.

      Edith changed the job of first lady in other ways, not all of them permanent. Even before moving into the White House she had hired a social secretary to help with official mail, and after Theodore became president the secretary's job expanded to include communicating with the press, issuing official information on the family as Edith directed, and serving as a conduit for news about official functions. Subsequent first ladies followed Edith's lead, and the social secretary became a valued part of the White House staff. Edith's other innovation, a regular meeting with the wives of cabinet members to discuss moral standards and the appropriate level of spending on parties, struck some people as intrusive.

      After she left the White House in 1909, Edith traveled widely but retained her home at Sagamore Hill. Following Theodore's death in 1919, she did more traveling, visiting Europe as well as South America, Africa, and Asia. Although she took few political stands, she appeared at the Republican National Convention in Madison Square Garden in 1932 to endorse fellow Republican Herbert Hoover (Hoover, Herbert) in his presidential campaign against Franklin Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Franklin D.), who was married to Theodore's niece Eleanor Roosevelt (Roosevelt, Eleanor).

      Edith Kermit Roosevelt (as she signed her name) died at Sagamore Hill and was buried in the family plot at the cemetery nearby. Not everyone would have agreed with the White House aide who said that as first ladyshe never made a mistake,” but her organizational skills served her well, and she is usually ranked in the top third of all those who held that job.

Betty Boyd Caroli

Additional Reading
A brief treatment of Edith Roosevelt's life is Stacy A. Cordery, “Edith Kermit (Carow) Roosevelt,” in Lewis L. Gould (ed.), American First Ladies (1996), pp. 294320. The standard biography is Sylvia Jukes Morris, Edith Kermit Roosevelt (1980, reprinted 1990). Her role in renovating the White House is summarized in William Seale, The President's House (1986), vol. 2. A less flattering portrait can be found in Betty Boyd Caroli, The Roosevelt Women (1998, reissued 2000).

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