Romer, Alfred Sherwood

Romer, Alfred Sherwood

American biologist
born Dec. 28, 1894, White Plains, N.Y., U.S.
died Nov. 5, 1973, Cambridge, Mass.
 U.S. paleontologist widely known for his concepts of evolutionary (evolution) history of vertebrate animals. The explicit use of comparative anatomy and embryology in studies of fossil vertebrates underlies his major contributions to biology.

Youth and education
      Romer's early life and schooling gave no indication of the direction his career was to follow. His father, a newspaper man, moved frequently, and young Alfred's early days were unsettled. In 1909, when he returned to White Plains to live with his father's mother, a more stable phase of his youth began, though the family was poor. A rather timid boy, he found adjustment to the new environment difficult. In high school, however, he found a place among his peers. A trait that was to dominate his life emergedan urge to improve things by becoming involved.

      In 1913, after a year of doing odd jobs to earn money for college, Romer, entirely on his own and against family tradition, entered Amherst College. He financed his way in college with the help of a scholarship, various kinds of work, and loans from his college fraternity. History and German literature were his major subjects of study, but he liberally sampled courses in other disciplines. Early in his career, while in New York City, young Romer visited the American Museum of Natural History, and its dinosaur exhibits sparked his interest in fossils. After taking a course in evolution under Frederic B. Loomis to fulfill a science requirement, Romer knew what he wanted to do.

      Graduation in 1917, during World War I, found him restless. He joined the American Field Service in France and in the autumn of that year enlisted in the United States Army. On his return to the U.S. in 1919, he entered graduate school at Columbia University to work under William K. Gregory. Romer completed the work for his Ph.D. in two years and produced a thesis that remains a classic in comparative myology, the study of musculature. With others who were students at Columbia at about this time, Romer was deeply influenced by Gregory and helped to spread his ideas, establishing a school of comparative anatomy, functional anatomy, and evolution that still prevails.

Scientific career
      After two years as instructor of anatomy at Bellevue Hospital Medical College in New York City, Romer became associate professor in the department of geology and paleontology at the University of Chicago. There he encountered fine collections of Late Paleozoic fossil fishes, amphibians, and reptiles, which set the course for much of his later fieldwork and scientific studies.

      Early in his career at Chicago, Romer met and married Ruth Hibbard, who bore him three children and was his companion in fieldwork and travel. Vertebrate Paleontology appeared in 1933. In its three editions, this book shaped much of the thinking in the subject for several decades. After 11 years at Chicago, marred only by the problem of training biologically oriented graduate students in a geology department, Romer went to Harvard University as professor of biology in 1934.

      His early propensity for leadership emerged when he became director of the biological laboratories in 1945 and of the Museum of Comparative Zoology in 1946. The museum flourished under his guidance.

      Romer's scientific career prospered at Harvard with the publication of Review of the Pelycosauria (1940), The Vertebrate Body (1949), The Osteology of the Reptiles (1956), and numerous research papers. The Vertebrate Body is a comprehensive textbook of comparative anatomy, widely used in colleges and universities throughout the United States. The Pelycosauria and Osteology treat various aspects of reptilian evolution. Honours began to come to himhonorary degrees, memberships in foreign societies, and medals. Most important to him, however, was the less renowned Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, which he nurtured through its infancy, becoming its first president after it had become formally established in 1940. Later he initiated action that led to the establishment of the Vertebrate Morphology Section of the American Society of Zoologists. He accepted the presidency of the XIVth International Zoological Congress, which met in Washington, D.C., in 1963. He had long since been elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. In 1929 and in 1956, he made trips to South Africa and Argentina to collect fossils. Despite the pace of his lifeteaching, travel, administration, scientific study, and honoursRomer remained a relaxed, affable man, with a quiet wit and charm, always in demand as a lecturer. His rigorous dedication and depth of knowledge often emerged from light, colloquial presentations and an informal style.

      Romer retired from Harvard in 1965 and, with characteristic energy, used his leisure for world travel, fossil collecting, lecturing, attending conferences, and visiting museums. He continued to write scientific papers, and his studies extended the understanding of the course of evolution of the lower vertebrates. His basically conservative approach focussed attention upon the significance of form and function in relation to environment as the key to evolutionary progress. Documentation of the slowly changing flow through time, as envisaged by Darwin, emerges clearly from Romer's studies of the evolution of extinct fishes, amphibians, and reptiles.

      Romer devoted a lifetime of research to the evolution of the vertebrates, with evidence drawn from comparative anatomy, embryology, and particularly paleontology. For many years he collected fossils of fishes, amphibians, and reptiles from geological deposits in Texas dating to the Permian Period. Close attention to anatomical adaptations as responses to environmental change characterized his method. He traced fundamental changes in structure and function that have occurred during the evolution of fishes to primitive land vertebrates and during the subsequent radiation of these vertebrates into modern amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.

Everett C. Olson

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Universalium. 2010.

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