Roman-Dutch law

Roman-Dutch law


      the system of law produced by the fusion of early modern Dutch law, chiefly of Germanic origin, and Roman, or civil, law. It existed in the Netherlands province of Holland from the 15th to the early 19th century and was carried by Dutch colonists to the Cape of Good Hope, where it became the foundation of modern South African (South Africa) law. It also influenced the legal systems of other countries that had once been Dutch colonies, such as Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) and Guyana.

      Today Roman-Dutch law is in force throughout the Republic of South Africa and South West Africa/Namibia, and in Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, and Zimbabwe. In Sri Lanka it is present to a lesser degree, and in Guyana was from 1917 largely superseded by the common law of England. Reservation is made in favour of indigenous law and custom, so far as these are recognized; moreover the general law of these countries has in many respects departed from its original type.

Development of Roman-Dutch law in the Netherlands (Netherlands, The)
      In the 15th and 16th centuries the Roman law wasreceivedin the province of Holland (as it was sooner or later in the Netherlands generally), although general and local customs held their ground. These were based ultimately on Germanic tribal lawFrankish, Frisian, Saxonsupplemented by privileges and by-laws (keuren) and were themselves affected by an earlier infiltration of Roman law. The resulting mixed system, for which Simon van Leeuwen in 1652 invented the termRoman-Dutch law,” remained in force in the Netherlands until it was superseded in 1809 by the Code Napoléon, which in its turn in 1838 gave place to the Dutch civil code. The old law was also abrogated in the Dutch colonies. The Dutch civil code of 1838 has since been extensively revised.

      There is, however, a third element in the Roman-Dutch system, namely the legislative acts of the Burgundian and Spanish periods, the most important of which were passed during the 16th century. Although a large quantity of legislation was later passed in the 17th and 18th centuries, it had little effect on the general character of the legal system. Roman-Dutch law can also be studied in collections of decided cases and of opinions (commonly termed consultatien or advijsen) and in the rich juristic literature of the system. The first attempt to reduce the Roman-Dutch civil law to a system was made by Hugo Grotius (Grotius, Hugo) in his Introduction to the Jurisprudence of Holland, written while he was in prison in 161920 and published in 1631; this short treatise, a masterpiece of condensed exposition, remains a legal classic. Grotius' commentaries were followed by those of Johannes Voet and Simon van Groenewegen van der Made. Toward the end of the 18th century Dionysius Godefridus van der Keessel, professor at Leiden, lectured on the jus hodiernum (“law of today”), of which he published a summary in Select Theses on the Laws of Holland and Zeeland . . . (1800). The lectures, commonly known as the Dictata, still circulate as manuscript copies and have been cited in judgments by South African courts.

Survival and growth abroad of Roman-Dutch law
      The law of the province of Holland was followed in the colonial empire, supplemented by local ordinances of the governors in council and, in the East Indies, by laws of the governors-general established at Batavia in Java (now Jakarta, Indon.). The ultimate legislative authority in the colonies was vested in the states general.

      After the colonies passed to the British crown the old law underwent profound modifications, owing partly to changed social and economic conditions and partly to the incursion of rules and institutions derived from English common law.

      The influence of English law (which was operative even during the period of the republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State) has been most marked in criminal law and procedure, civil procedure, evidence, constitutional law, and, particularly, the commercial field of companies, bills of exchange, maritime law, and insurance. The law of tort or delict has also been considerably affected by English doctrines. On the other hand, the laws relating to property, persons, succession, and, to a lesser extent, contract still preserve their predominantly Roman-Dutch character. It is, for example, settled in both South Africa and Sri Lanka thatconsiderationis not necessary for the validity of a contract.

      The South Africa Act (1909) provided for the continuance of all laws in force in the several colonies at the establishment of the union until repealed by the Union Parliament or by the provincial councils within the sphere assigned to them. But thereafter, the Union Parliament and the appellate division of the Supreme Court of South Africa were active in consolidating, amending, and explaining the law and in making it more uniform. Many rules of the old law were pronounced obsolete by reason of disuse.

      Modern South African law is a mixture of Roman-Dutch and English law. Constitutional law and administrative law have developed along English lines. The law of procedure and evidence is almost wholly English, as is most law relating to business associations and such areas as patents, trademarks, copyright, insurance, and maritime operations. On the other hand, criminal law is a combination of elements from Roman-Dutch and English common-law sources. In the law of succession, the rules governing the making of wills are English, whereas the substantive law of testamentary and intestate succession is largely Roman-Dutch. The law of persons and the law of property are almost purely Roman-Dutch, and the principles of the law of contract and of the law of delict are Roman-Dutch, only mildly influenced by common law.

Robert Warden Lee Denis Victor Cowen

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Universalium. 2010.

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