Rolin, Dominique

Rolin, Dominique

Belgian author
born May 22, 1913, Brussels, Belgium

      Belgian novelist noted for embracing new narrative techniques. Author of more than 30 books in 50 years, Rolin produced a body of fiction that centres on the themes of birth, death, family, and physical dislocation.

      Between 1942 and 1946, influenced by German Romanticism, Rolin published three novels about family life. She settled in France in 1946. From 1948 to 1958 she developed a measured, intellectualized, Francocentric approach to the family theme. Moi qui ne suis qu'amour (1948; “I Who Am But Love”) was considered morally provocative at the time, and her novel Le Souffle (1952; The Pulse of Life; “The Breath”) won the Prix Fémina.

      After 1960 Rolin abandoned conventional fiction for an intrepid, psychoanalytic, semiautobiographical quest marked by intense and incisive language. Her novels of self and family match the fractured history of postwar, postcolonial Belgium. Le Lit (1960; “The Bed”), a woman's account of her husband's death, shows the influence of the French nouveau roman (see antinovel (New Novel)) and was filmed in 1982 by the Belgian director Marion Hänsel. The monologues of La Maison, la forêt (1965; “The House, the Forest”) offer a bleak, Samuel Beckett-like vision of elderly parents, and Maintenant (1967; “Now”) focuses on the mother figure. In both Le Corps (1969; “The Body”) and Les Eclairs (1971; “The Flashes”) Rolin investigates the time-space coordinates of self, body, and writing. Inspired by Franz Kafka (Kafka, Franz), Lettre au vieil homme (1973; “Letter to the Old Man”) focuses on the father figure, a process repeated in Dulle Griet (1977), in which the father's death triggers a host of memories. Deux (1975; “Two”) dramatizes a conflict between woman and writer represented by two sides of a single narrator. L'Enragé (1978; “The Furious One”) is a fictional biography of Flemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (Bruegel, Pieter, the Elder), while in L'Infini chez soi (1980; “The Infinite at Home”) a first-person narration identifying mother with daughter offers prenatal and birth visions. In Le Gâteau des morts (1982; The Deathday Cake) the narrator fantasizes her own death in the year 2000. Trente ans d'amour fou (1988; “Thirty Years of Passionate Love”) recalls her annual visits to Venice. Her later works include Train de rêves (1994; “Train of Dreams”); Les Géraniums (1993), a collection of short stories that had been published separately between 1934 and 1980; Le Jardin d'agrément (1994; The Garden of Delights); and Journal amoureux (2000; “Lover's Diary”).

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