

Persian painter
Persian  in full Āqā Rezā Rezā-e ʿabbāsī  
born c. 1570, , Meshhed, Ṣafavid Irand. 1635?, Eṣfahān

      the major Persian painter of the Eṣfahān school (q.v.) and the favourite painter of Shāh ʿAbbās I the Great.

      He was the son of ʿAlī Asghar of Kashān, who painted at the court of Prince Ibrāhīm Mīrzā, the Ṣafavid viceroy at Meshhed (Meshed), which was then (155677) the leading Iranian centre of the cultivation of the arts. While Rezā was still young, his virtuosity brought him to the attention of Shāh ʿAbbās at Eṣfahān, and by 1596 he was regarded as having no rival. Soon after this he fell into low company, spending much of his time with athletes and wrestlers, and paid little attention to his art. Despite the kindness and favour of the Shāh, he is said to have been always in financial distress. He no longer executed royal commissions, and his principal work consisted of drawings and paintings that were apparently sold in the bazaar to keep him in funds.

      He was able to recover somewhat and to produce originally and energetically until his death in 1635. His highly mannered style features plump, effete figures in artificial poses, but drawn with a wonderfully fluid line and coloured in an expressionist, nonrealistic way. It still manages to be fresh and remarkable, but the paintings of the second period (after 1605) are undeniably coarser and more affected.

      Rezā was the last great Persian painter of originality. His style had an indelible influence on the Eṣfahān school (15971722).

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