Retzius, Anders Adolf

Retzius, Anders Adolf

Swedish anatomist and anthropologist
born Oct. 13, 1796, Lund, Swed.
died April 18, 1860, Stockholm

      anatomist and anthropologist who is best known for his pioneer studies in craniometry (measurement of the skull as a means of establishing the characteristics of human fossil remains).

      A professor of anatomy and physiology at the Karolinska Medic-Kirurgiska Institutet, Stockholm (182460), he invented (1842) the cranial, or cephalic, index (the ratio of the width to the lengthfront to backof the skull, multiplied by 100) as a convenient preliminary indication of the race to which an individual belonged. Retzius also described convolutions of the cerebral cortex (“gyri of Retzius”), a ligament in the ankle, and the veins running from the wall of the small intestine to the branches of the inferior vena cava.

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