

      (German: “residual radiation”), light that is selectively reflected from the surface of a transparent solid when the frequency of the light is nearly equal to the frequency of vibration of the electrically charged atoms, or ions, constituting the crystalline solid. For many materials this selectively reflected light is in the infrared portion of the spectrum of electromagnetic waves with a wavelength approximately 100 times that of visible light. Reststrahlen is used to study the vibrations of ions in solids and to obtain infrared radiation of a narrow frequency range for experimental purposes.

      Most of the light that strikes a transparent solid is transmitted through it, and some is absorbed within it. Some light of all frequencies is also reflected at its surface just as in the case of an ordinary mirror. Light of a specific frequency close to that of the frequency of vibration of the ions of the material about their regularly spaced positions in the solid, however, cannot travel far into the solid. Some of this light is absorbed near the surface, where the energy of the light is transferred to the vibration of the ions, and some is reflected as reststrahlen. More than 90 percent of the light of the correct frequency that falls on the surface of certain solids may be reflected in this selective way. After several reflections, the remaining radiation (hence the name residual radiation) is all nearly of the same frequency.

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Universalium. 2010.

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