

      in colonial Spanish America, judicial review of an official's acts, conducted at the conclusion of his term of office. Originating in Castile in the early 15th century, it was extended to the government of Spain's colonial empire from the early 16th century. In Spain it was applied mainly to the corregidors (corregidor) (local administrative and judicial officials). In the New World all major and minor officials were subject to it. The first use of it there was in 1501, when Nicolás de Ovando reviewed the administration of his predecessor as governor, Francisco de Bobadilla.

      The residencia was conducted in the chief town of the official's district by an especially appointed judge, after due notice had been given. Anyone, including Indians, was entitled to testify before him. The judge gathered specific information about the official in question and the general condition of his district. After all testimony had been gathered, the official (residenciado) then testified in his own behalf, and the judge drew up a report, which was forwarded to the Council of the Indies (Indies, Council of the), in Madrid, or, in the case of minor offices, to the local audiencia (high court). The judge ruled in cases of misconduct.

      Undue delays that occurred sometimes in the completion of residencias prompted the issuance of a royal decree, in 1667, by which the time limit on the residencia of viceroys was set at six months, on other officials at two months. Sentences could be appealed to local audiencias or, in the case of royally appointed officials, to the Council of the Indies. A royally appointed official's successor was sometimes appointed to conduct the residencia of the person he was succeeding in spite of repeated royal decrees barring the practice; this was apparently done to save the expense of sending someone from Madrid just to conduct the investigation. Thus, officials often were examined by those who had special reason to embarrass them.

      The effectiveness of the residencia as a means of royal control over colonial officials was limited by corruption among judges and favouritism in Madrid.

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