

▪ Benedictine theologian
died c. 868, Corbie, West Frankish Kingdom

      theologian, priest, and monk at the Benedictine abbey of Corbie whose important 9th-century work provoked the eucharistic controversy and was posthumously condemned.

      It was at the request (c. 850) of the West Frankish king Charles II the Bald that Ratramnus began to write two major books: De corpore et sanguine Domini (“Concerning the Body and Blood of the Lord”) and De praedestinatione. Showing remarkable originality, De corpore is partially a reply to De corpore et sanguine Christi (“Concerning Christ's Body and Blood”), written by his abbot, Paschasius Radbertus. Ratramnus proposed that the bread and wine of the Eucharist are mystic symbols commemorative of Christ's body and blood, becoming such through sacerdotal consecration but retaining their outward appearance; within the bread and wine, however, resides a power perceived only by the faith that makes them effective. In short, they are not converted into the substance of Christ's body and blood in actuality but only symbolically.

      These views contrast sharply with those of Paschasius, but De corpore apparently was not attacked until it was ordered destroyed at the Council of Vercelli (1050) and condemned at the Lateran Synod (1059); in both cases, De corpore was incorrectly attributed to the Irish philosopher and theologian John Scotus Erigena. Surviving copies of De corpore influenced Protestant theologians, thereby contributing to the Reformation. It was widely translated despite its being listed in the Index of Forbidden Books from 1559 until 1900. Opinions of its orthodoxy are still unsettled.

      Rejecting predestination to sin and upholding predestination to salvation, Ratramnus in De praedestinatione opposed Archbishop Hincmar of Reims and defended Bishop St. Augustine of Hippo. In his Contra Graecorum opposita (“Against Greek Opposition”), Ratramnus defends the Western Church from attacks by Patriarch Photius of Constantinople during the controversy on the Filioque clause (“and from the Son”) in the Nicene Creed and pleads for unity between the Western and Eastern churches. De nativitate Christi (“On the Birth of Christ”) argues that Christ's birth was natural, a belief challenged by Paschasius.

      English translations of his works by G.E. McCracken are in “Library of Christian Classics,” vol. 9 (1957). J. Fahey's Eucharistic Teaching of Ratramn of Corbie appeared in 1951; and further discussion of his views can be found in G. Macy, Theologies of the Eucharist in the Early Scholastic Period (1984).

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