rat-bite fever

rat-bite fever

also called  spirillary rat-bite fever  or  sodoku 

      relapsing type of infection caused by the bacterium Spirillum minus (also called Spirillum minor) and transmitted to humans by the bite of an infected rat. It is characterized by infection at the site of inoculation, inflammation of the regional lymph nodes, relapsing fever, chills, and skin rash. The rat-bite wound usually first heals promptly, but after an incubation period of 5 to 28 days there is a sudden flare-up of the characteristic symptoms, and the wound becomes swollen, hard, and painful and may ulcerate. Both local and generalized symptoms subside, only to reappear again in a few days; periods of fever may then alternate with afebrile periods. False-positive serological tests for syphilis occur in a large proportion of the cases; confirmation of the diagnosis is made by demonstration of S. minus in the lesion or regional lymph node. Treatment consists of the use of antimicrobial drugs such as penicillin and streptomycin; chlorotetracycline and oxytetracycline have also proved effective. The condition was first described in Japan (Japanese sodoku:rat poisoning”). See also streptobacillary fever.

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