Rasmussen, Halfdan

Rasmussen, Halfdan

Danish poet
born January 29, 1915, Copenhagen, Denmark
died March 2, 2002

      Danish poet of social protest, as well as an excellent writer of nonsense verse.

      Rasmussen belonged to the generation of the 1940s. In his early poetry, Soldat eller menneske (1941; “Soldier or Human Being”) and Digte under Besaettelsen (1945; “Poems During the Occupation”), a collection of his poems of protest published illegally during the German occupation of Denmark, he documents his various experiences from the war years with simplicity and sincerity. His poetry from the late 1940s reflects the feelings of pessimism and despair symptomatic of the Cold War years. In knae for livet (1948; “Kneeling to Life”) and Den som har set september (1949; “The One Who Experienced September”), he rejects all political systems and ideologies and speaks out for the right and the necessity of the individual to dissent and doubt. Rasmussen's final conviction is one of reverence for life and commitment to the weak and suffering. In a didactic poem on his time, "Generation," from his collection Forventning (1951; “Expectation”), Rasmussen characterizes the despair and anxiety that followed upon the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. His poetic manner is traditional, simple, and rhymed, with a suggestive rhythm of its own.

      Some of Rasmussen's later collections have motifs from his travels; Torso (1957) is set in Greece. He also wrote Mørke over Akropolis (1967; “Darkness over the Acropolis”). In addition, Rasmussen composed children's verse and nonsense verse, two genres that made him very popular.

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