Ramses XI

Ramses XI

▪ king of Egypt
flourished 11th century BCE

      king of ancient Egypt (Egypt, ancient) (reigned 1104–1075? BCE), last king of the 20th dynasty (Egypt, ancient) (1190–1075 BCE), whose reign was marked by civil wars involving the high priest of Amon and the viceroy of Nubia. At the end of his reign, new dynasties were founded in Upper (Upper Egypt) and Lower Egypt.

      During his reign, marauding bands of Libyans caused much of the population of western Thebes to take refuge within the fortified temple of Ramses III at Madīnat Habu, and at various periods there was no high priest of Amon; even the high priest Amenhotep was ousted from office for eight months.

      With the high priest's eviction, Theban society disintegrated into near anarchy; tomb robbery became rife, penetrating even the Valley of the Kings (Kings, Valley of the). Gangs crossed the river from eastern Thebes to participate in the looting. On the west bank the funerary temples of the 19th and 20th dynasties (see ancient Egypt: The Ramesside period [19th and 20th dynasties] (Egypt, ancient)) were plundered by the priests and necropolis staff. Amenhotep appears to have been restored to his office by the viceroy of Kush, Pinhasy, who later rebelled against Ramses XI and wrested control of the Theban region. Beginning in the 19th year of the king's reign, Herihor, a new leader, restored order and became high priest of Amon.

      Herihor soon arrogated the titles held earlier by Pinhasy and even added the vizier's title. In the temple of Khons at Thebes, he actually usurped the full royal titulary. When he died he was succeeded as high priest by the general Piankh, without ever having quite secured the full kingship except in his Theban bailiwick. Piankh waged an unsuccessful war against Pinhasy in Nubia, losing the province for Egypt.

      Ramses XI completed at least 27 years of rule; at his death his Theban tomb lay unfinished and remained unoccupied, and Egypt passed to two new separate dynasties.

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Universalium. 2010.

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