Ramiro II

Ramiro II

king of Aragon
byname  Ramiro the Monk,  Spanish  Ramiro el Monje 
born c. 1080
died Aug. 16, 1157

      king of Aragon from 1134 to 1137. He was the third son of Sancho V Ramirez. His elder brother, Alfonso I the Battler, left no issue and bequeathed his kingdom to the military orders. Ramiro, who had entered a monastery and was bishop-elect of Barbastro, renounced his vows, married, and received the crown. His daughter Petronila was betrothed to the son of Count Ramón Berenguer IV (Ramon Berenguer IV) of Barcelona. Ramiro abdicated in 1137 in favour of his daughter and son-in-law. In 1164 the crown of Aragon was united with the county of Barcelona under their son, Alfonso II.

king of Leon and Asturias

died 951, León, Leon [Spain]

      king of Leon and Asturias in Christian Spain from 931 to 951. The second son of King Ordoño II, he became king on the abdication of his elder brother, Alfonso IV. Ramiro was an exceptional general who scored several major victories (e.g., the Battle of Simancas, 939) over the caliphate of Córdoba in Muslim Spain. In 944 he negotiated a five-year truce with the caliph ʿAbd ar-Raḥmān III (Abd al-Raḥmān IIIʿ). He failed, however, to suppress the Castilian separatist movement led by Fernán González, the first count of unified Castile, a region that eventually came to dominate Spain militarily, politically, and linguistically.

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