

      island, southeastern Tamil Nadu (Tamil Nādu) state, southeastern India. It forms part of Rama's (Adam's) Bridge (Adam's Bridge), a series of coral reef islands connecting India and Sri Lanka.

      The island contains a temple that is one of the most venerated of all Hindu shrines. The great temple of Rameswaram was built in the 17th century on the traditional site said to be sanctified by the god Rama's footprints when he crossed the island on his journey to rescue his wife, Sita, from the demon Ravana. The temple is built on rising ground above a small lake. Quadrangular in shape, it is about 1,000 feet (305 metres) long and 650 feet (198 metres) wide. It has a 100-foot- (30-metre-) high gopura, or tower gateway, but the temple's outstanding features are its 700-foot- (213-metre-) long pillared halls, which open into richly decorated transverse galleries. The temple is perhaps the finest example of Dravidian architecture. Sacred to both Vaishnavas and Shaivas, it is the most holy place for Hindus in India after the city of Varanasi. Pop. (2001) 37,968.

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