Radke, Lina

Radke, Lina

German athlete
byname of  Karoline Radke-Batschauer  
born October 18, 1903, Karlsruhe, Germany
died February 14, 1983, Karlsruhe

      German athlete who set several middle-distance running records between 1927 and 1930. Her victory in the 800-metre race at the 1928 Olympic Gamesthe first Olympics to include women's athleticsset a world record that was not broken for 16 years.

      Distance running had been considered too exhausting for women athletes until the 1920s; the 800-metre run was one of the events in the first international women's track meet in 1921. Radke set a world record in the 800-metre event to win the German championship in 1927 and improved upon that time in a race for the South German championship the next year. At the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam, Radke closed with a burst of speed to win the gold medal, setting a world-record time of 2 minutes 16.8 seconds. Several runners collapsed at the end of the race. Although male athletes also often fainted after races, the International Olympic Committee concluded that the 800-metre run was too difficult for women and dropped it from Olympic Games until 1960. Radke's final individual world record came in 1930, when she ran the 1,000 metres in 3 minutes 6.6 seconds.

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