Radishchev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich

Radishchev, Aleksandr Nikolayevich

Russian author
born Aug. 20 [Aug. 31, New Style], 1749, Moscow, Russia
died Sept. 12 [Sept. 24], 1802, St. Petersburg

      writer who founded the revolutionary tradition in Russian literature and thought.

      Radishchev, a nobleman, was educated in Moscow (175762), at the St. Petersburg Corps of Pages (176366), and at Leipzig, where he studied law (176671). His career as a civil servant brought him into contact with people from all social strata. Under the influence of the cult of sentiment developed by such writers as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, he wrote his most important work, Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu (1790; A Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow), in which he collected, within the framework of an imaginary journey, all the examples of social injustice, wretchedness, and brutality he had seen. Though the book was an indictment of serfdom, autocracy, and censorship, Radishchev intended it for the enlightenment of Catherine the Great, who he assumed was unaware of such conditions. Its unfortunate timing (the year after the French Revolution) led to his immediate arrest and sentence to death. The sentence was commuted to 10 years' exile in Siberia, where he remained until 1797.

      Radishchev's harsh treatment chilled liberal hopes for reform. In 1801 he was pardoned by Alexander I and employed by the government to draft legal reforms, but he committed suicide a year later. Though his work has slight claim to literary quality, his fame was great and his thought inspired later generations, especially the Decembrists (Decembrist), an elite group of intellectuals and noblemen who staged an abortive rebellion against autocracy in 1825.

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