Radbruch, Gustav

Radbruch, Gustav

German jurist
born Nov. 21, 1878, Lubeck, Ger.
died Nov. 23, 1949, Heidelberg

      German jurist and legal philosopher, one of the foremost exponents of legal relativism and legal positivism. Radbruch served on the faculties of the universities at Königsberg, Kiel, and Heidelberg. He also served the Weimar government as a minister of justice (192122; 1923).

      Radbruch's legal philosophy grew out of the neo-Kantian principle that law is defined by and depends upon moral values. In such a system, there are no absolutes; thus, the concepts of right and justice are not absolute but are relative to time and place and to the values of the parties in a given legal proceeding. As a result of Nazi rule in Germany, however, a radical change in Radbruch's outlook occurred in his later years. He abandoned relativism and turned toward a philosophy of natural law that recognized certain absolute, innate properties of law and justice. He was the author of numerous books on the theories and philosophy of law, including Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft (1910; “Introduction to Jurisprudence”); Grundzüge der Rechtsphilosophie (1914; Eng. trans. by Kurt Wilk in The Legal Philosophies of Lask, Radbruch, and Dabin, 1950); Der Geist des englischen Rechts (1946; “The Spirit of English Law”); and Vorschule der Rechtsphilosophie (1948; “Primer on the Philosophy of Law”).

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