

bishop of Edessa
born c. 350, , Qenneshrin, near Aleppo, Syria
died c. 435, , Edessa

      reforming bishop of Edessa and theologian who was a leading figure in the Christian church in Syria. He advocated the orthodox Alexandrian (Egypt) position in the 5th-century controversy with the Antiochian (Syria) school of Nestorianism, a heretical teaching that separated the humanity and divinity of Christ by seeing them as joined in a moral union.

      A Greek-educated civil servant, Rabbula became a monk after his acceptance of Christianity in Palestine, according to a contemporary biography. On being made bishop of Edessa about 411, he embarked on a reform program with the composition of aRule,” or directives for clerics and monks. Strenuously contesting pagan and Jewish influences, Rabbula, moreover, repressed Gnostic sects (esoteric, religious groups based on an Oriental dualistic philosophy of contending good and evil deities). At first he supported the Antiochian school, but he later developed an admiration for the leading anti-Nestorian theologian, Cyril of Alexandria, and furthered the orthodox cause by translating from Greek into Syriac Cyril's treatises on the nature of Christ, notablyConcerning the Right Faith.” The theological polemics pitted Rabbula against prominent Nestorian intellectuals in Edessa and Antioch, who harassed him through bishops sympathetic with their doctrines.

      That he wrote a Syriac version of the Gospels, the Peshitta, to replace the rival Diatessaron by the 2nd-century heretic Tatian remains highly problematic on linguistic grounds. Rabbula's liturgical influence extended to the composition of hymns for the Syriac (Jacobite) ritual books as well as advocacy of prayer intercession for the dead.

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Universalium. 2010.

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