Quintus Smyrnaeus

Quintus Smyrnaeus

Greek poet
flourished probably 3rd century AD

      Greek epic poet, the author of a hexameter poem in 14 books, narrating events at Troy from the funeral of Hector to the departure of the Achaeans after sacking the city (and hence called Ta met' Homeron or Posthomerica).

      Quintus claimed that the Muses inspired him when, still a beardless lad, he kept sheep near the temple of Artemis. The scene is consciously modeled on the poetic calling of Hesiod in the Theogony (7th century BC) and is of doubtful autobiographical value. Quintus's style is monotonous, and his vocabulary and metrics are traditional, but his very unoriginality makes his work a valuable guide to the content of the lost epics (Aethiopis, Little Iliad, Iliupersis), which had provided people of the Classical period with their information about the last days of Troy.

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