

also spelled  Qena,  

      town and capital of Qinā muḥāfaẓah (governorate), Upper Egypt, on a canal 1 mile (1.6 km) east of the Nile River at its great bend, opposite Dandarah. The town was called Caene (New Town) by the ancient Greeks to distinguish it from Coptos (now Qifṭ), 14 miles south, whose trade with Arabia, India, and China it eventually acquired. The shift resulted from the use of a more northerly route across the Eastern Desert to the ports at Būr Safājah and Al-Quṣayr. Excavations at Al-Quṣayr indicate that the route change occurred after the Mamlūk period (after 1517). The northerly route's trade diminished in the Ottoman period, but the route remained in use for the Muslim Upper Egyptians making the Ḥājj (pilgrimage) to Mecca.

      Qinā revived during and after World War II because of its position as terminus of the road to the Red Sea coast, its status as a capital of the governorate, and the construction of a bridge across the Nile, together with the upgrading of the highway through Upper Egypt, which passes through it. The town is served by the CairoAswān railway; there is a military air base in the desert to the east. Qinā is now a market town and service centre for road vehicles, and it has been traditionally noted for its production of porous clay water vessels used throughout Egypt. Pop. (1996) 171,275.

also spelled  Qena,  

      muḥāfaẓah (governorate) in Upper Egypt, extending 34 miles (56 km) on each side of the Nile River between the Arabian and Libyan deserts. Occupying the great bend in the Nile valley, it contains the celebrated ruins of Thebes and the Valley of the Tombs of the Kings. Qinā has a dense agricultural population (more than 3,000 persons per square mile), and most of its land is under basin irrigation, yielding only one crop annually. Main crops are sugar (about three-fifths of the nation's production), lentils, and grains. Perennial irrigation water, mainly from the Kelabiya and Aṣfūn canals, is supplied from the Isnā Barrage. There are rich phosphate deposits near Isnā, and a fertilizer plant is located there. Sugar refineries are located at Najʿ Ḥammādī, Qus, and Dishnā. The principal towns are Qinā, the capital, Luxor (al-Uqṣur), and Isnā. Area 715 square miles (1,851 square km). Pop. (2006) 3,001,494.

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