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  • Metaphoric — Met a*phor ic, Metaphorical Met a*phor ic*al, a. [Gr. ?: cf. F. m[ e]taphorique.] Of or pertaining to metaphor; comprising a metaphor; not literal; figurative; tropical; as, a metaphorical expression; a metaphorical sense. {Met a*phor ic*al*ly},… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • metaphoric — (adj.) 1590s, from METAPHOR (Cf. metaphor) + IC (Cf. ic). Greek metaphorikos meant apt at metaphors …   Etymology dictionary

  • metaphoric — adjective expressing one thing in terms normally denoting another a metaphorical expression metaphoric language • Syn: ↑metaphorical • Similar to: ↑figurative, ↑nonliteral • Derivationally related …   Useful english dictionary

  • Metaphoric criticism — is one school of rhetorical analysis used in English and speech communication studies. Scholars employing metaphoric criticism analyze texts by locating metaphors within texts and evaluating those metaphors in an effort to better understand ways… …   Wikipedia

  • metaphoric — adjective see metaphor …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • metaphoric — adjective Like a metaphor …   Wiktionary

  • metaphoric — (Roget s IV) , modif. Syn. symbolic, symbolical, allegorical, figurative, referential, allusive, comparative, mystical, anagogic, metonymic, poetic, anagogical, contrastive, exegetical, symbolistic, involved, imaginative, mythic, antonomastic,… …   English dictionary for students

  • metaphoric — metÉ™ fÉ”rɪkl , fÉ‘ / fÉ’ adj. of or pertaining to a metaphor, of simile; representational, allegory like …   English contemporary dictionary

  • metaphoric — a.; (also metaphorical) Figurative, tropical …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • metaphoric — met·a·phor·ic …   English syllables

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