Pusey, E B

Pusey, E B

British theologian
born Aug. 22, 1800, Pusey, Berkshire, Eng.
died Sept. 16, 1882, Ascot Priory, Berkshire

      English Anglican theologian, scholar, and a leader of the Oxford movement, which sought to revive in Anglicanism the High Church ideals of the later 17th-century church.

      In 1823 Pusey was elected to a fellowship at Oriel College, where he met the churchmen John Keble and John Henry Newman (later Cardinal Newman), with whom he subsequently shared leadership of the Oxford Movement. After studying theology and Oriental languages in Germany, he was nominated regius professor of Hebrew at Oxford by the Duke of Wellington.

      Pusey's association with the Oxford Movement began in 1833. He contributed a tract on fasting to Tracts for the Times in 1834, and a year later he wrote for the series an extensive tract on Baptism. The hostility of university authorities was aroused in 1843 by his sermon asserting the doctrine of the Real Presence in the Eucharist, and he was suspended from university preaching for two years. The ensuing notoriety substantially helped the sale of the tracts. Newman, who edited them, wrote of Pusey:He at once gave us a position and a name.”

      Pusey was known as a warmhearted, sincere, and humble man, whose activities included the building of St. Saviour's Church, Leeds, at his own expense (184245) and service to the sick during the cholera epidemic of 1866. In 1845 he helped found in London the first Anglican sisterhood, which revived monastic life in the Anglican Church. Conservative in his biblical criticism, he subscribed to the principle of revelation as interpreted by the historic authority of the church and opposed the use of philosophical systems in constructing a theology. His many books include The Doctrine of the Real Presence (1855) and The Real Presence (1857) as well as scholarly works, such as The Minor Prophets, with a Commentary (1860) and Daniel the Prophet (1864). Pusey House, Oxford, founded by his friends two years after his death, preserves his library and some personal effects.

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