Puerto La Cruz

Puerto La Cruz

      city, northeastern Anzoátegui estado (state), northeastern Venezuela, situated along the Caribbean Sea. The city's origins lie in a 17th-century settlement of Indian fishermen that was named for the nearbySpring of the Sacred Cross.” The former fishing village has become a busy, thriving, populous port city with the development of the petroleum industry since the 1930s in the eastern Llanos (plains). Pipelines running from the Anzoátegui fields and from fields in neighbouring Guárico and Monagas states carry the petroleum to Puerto La Cruz, where immense storage facilities and refineries are located. From Puerto La Cruz, petroleum is accessible for industrial and domestic use in Venezuela's densely populated central highlands region. The city has also shared in the urban-industrial growth experienced by the BarcelonaGuantaPuerto La Cruz area. The sea promenade and nearby beaches attract numerous vacationers, as does the ferry terminal for passage to Margarita Island. Pop. (2001) 199,000.

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