Priestley, J B

Priestley, J B

British writer
born , Sept. 13, 1894, Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.
died Aug. 14, 1984, Alveston, near Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire

      British novelist, playwright, and essayist, noted for his varied output and his ability for shrewd characterization.

      Priestley served in the infantry in World War I (191419) and then studied English literature at Trinity College, Cambridge (B.A., 1922). He thereafter worked as a journalist and first established a reputation with the essays collected in The English Comic Characters (1925) and The English Novel (1927). He achieved enormous popular success with The Good Companions (1929), a picaresque novel about a group of traveling performers. This was followed in 1930 by his most solidly crafted novel, Angel Pavement, a sombre, realistic depiction of the lives of a group of office workers in London. Among his other more important novels are Bright Day (1946) and Lost Empires (1965).

      Priestley was also a prolific dramatist, and he achieved early successes on the stage with such robust, good-humoured comedies as Laburnum Grove (1933) and When We Are Married (1938). Influenced by the time theories of John William Dunne, he experimented with expressionistic psychological dramae.g., Time and the Conways and I Have Been Here Before (both 1937) and Johnson over Jordan (1939). He also used time distortion as the basis for a mystery drama with moral overtones, An Inspector Calls (1946). Many of his plays featured skillful characterizations of ordinary people in domestic settings.

      An adept radio speaker, he had a wide audience for his patriotic broadcasts during World War II and for his subsequent Sunday evening programs. Priestley's large literary output of more than 120 books was complemented by his status as a commentator and literary spokesman for his countrymen, a role he sustained through his forceful and engaging public personality. Priestley refused both a knighthood and a peerage, but he accepted the Order of Merit in 1977.

      A revival of interest in and a reappraisal of Priestley's work occurred in the 1970s. During that decade he produced, among other works, Found, Lost, Found, or The English Way of Life (1976).

Additional Reading
Biographies of the writer include John Braine, J.B. Priestley (1978); and John Atkins, J.B. Priestley: The Last of the Sages (1981), exploring the active creative life and literary productivity. A.A. DeVitis and Albert E. Kalson, J.B. Priestley (1980), is a literary analysis. Studies of the dramatic works are Gareth Lloyd Evans, J.B. Priestley, the Dramatist (1964); and Holger Klein, J.B. Priestley's Plays (1988).

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