President's Commission on the Status of Women

President's Commission on the Status of Women

      advisory commission established on December 14, 1961, by U.S. President John F. Kennedy to investigate questions regarding women's equality in education, in the workplace, and under the law.

      Chaired by Eleanor Roosevelt until her death in 1962, the commission was composed of 20 members appointed by the president from a pool of legislators and philanthropists who were active in women's rights issues. The primary goal of the committee was to examine several of the employment policies in place for women. Among the practices addressed by the group were labour laws pertaining to hours and wages, the quality of legal representation for women, the lack of education and counseling for working women, and federal insurance and tax laws that affected women's incomes.

      In the subsequent research, published in what is commonly known as the Peterson Report, the commission documented widespread discrimination against women in the workplace. Several recommendations were made, including affordable child care for all income levels, hiring practices that promoted equal opportunity for women, and paid maternity leave. Though the report itself did not bring about immediate changes, the many state commissions on the status of women that were a result played a critical role in promoting more equal economic opportunities for women. The committee was terminated in October 1963 after the submission of the final report.

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