
mesothorium [mes΄ōthôrē əm, mez΄ōthôrē əm]
1. a radioactive isotope of radium (mesothorium 1), formed from thorium
2. a radioactive isotope of actinium (mesothorium 2), formed from this isotope of radium

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mes·o·tho·ri·um (mĕz'ə-thôrʹē-əm, -thōrʹ-, mĕs'-) n.
Either of two decay products of thorium, mesothorium I, an isotope of radium, or mesothorium II, an isotope of actinium.

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  • Mesothorium — Mes o*tho ri*um, n. [NL.; meso + thorium.] (Chem.) a radioactive isotope of radium (radium 228) with a half life of 5.8 years. Also called {mesothorium 1} or {mesothorium I} to distinguish it from a subsequent decay product, mesothorium II… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mesothorium I — Mesothorium Mes o*tho ri*um, n. [NL.; meso + thorium.] (Chem.) a radioactive isotope of radium (radium 228) with a half life of 5.8 years. Also called {mesothorium 1} or {mesothorium I} to distinguish it from a subsequent decay product,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mesothorium-1 — Mesothorium Mes o*tho ri*um, n. [NL.; meso + thorium.] (Chem.) a radioactive isotope of radium (radium 228) with a half life of 5.8 years. Also called {mesothorium 1} or {mesothorium I} to distinguish it from a subsequent decay product,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • mésothorium — ● mésothorium nom masculin Nom de deux noyaux radioactifs : le radium 228 (mésothorium 1) et l actinium 228 (mésothorium 2). [Ces produits sont utilisés en cancérologie pour la pénétration de leur rayonnement.] mésothorium [mezotɔʀjɔm] n. m. ÉTYM …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • mesothorium — [mes΄ōthôr′ē əm, mez΄ōthôr′ē əm] n. [ModL: see MESO & THORIUM] 1. a radioactive isotope of radium (mesothorium 1), formed from thorium 2. a radioactive isotope of actinium (mesothorium 2), formed from this isotope of radium …   English World dictionary

  • Mesothorium — Mesothorium, s. Thorium …   Lexikon der gesamten Technik

  • Mesothorium — Me|so|tho|ri|um 〈n.; s; unz.; Chem.〉 radioaktives Zerfallsprodukt des Thoriums ● Mesothorium I Isotop des Radiums; Mesothorium II Isotop des Aktiniums [<grch. mesos „mittel , mitten“ + Thorium] * * * Me|so|tho|ri|um [↑ meso (1)], das; s;… …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • mesothorium 1 — mezotoris 1 statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. mesothorium 1 vok. Mesothorium 1, n rus. мезоторий 1, m pranc. mésothorium 1, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

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