

Greek philosopher
also spelled Posidonius
born c. 135 BC
died c. 51 BC

      Greek philosopher, considered the most learned man of his time and, possibly, of the entire Stoic school.

      Poseidonius, nicknamedthe Athlete,” was a native of Apamea in Syria and a pupil of the Greek Stoic philosopher Panaetius. He spent many years in travel and scientific research in Spain, Africa, Italy, Gaul (modern France), Liguria, and Sicily. When he settled as a teacher at Rhodes, his adopted Greek city, his fame attracted numerous scholars. By his writings and his personal relations, he did more to spread Stoicism in the Roman world than anyone else except Panaetius. He was known to many leading men of his time, including the Roman statesman Cicero, who studied under him in 7877 and whom he mentioned as a friend. Such other Roman writers as Strabo and Seneca provide the major source of knowledge about his life; until the 20th century scholars accorded him only a minor place in the development of Stoicism.

      The titles and subjects of more than 20 of his works, now lost, are known. Like other Stoics of the middle period in the school's history, Poseidonius was an eclectic who combined the views of older Stoics and of Plato and Aristotle. His well-known ethical doctrine diverged from contemporary Stoicism, however, in asserting that human passions are inherent qualities, not mere faulty judgments. Also interested in natural science, geography, astronomy, and mathematics, Poseidonius tried to calculate the diameter of the Earth, the influence of the Moon on tides, and the distance and magnitude of the Sun. His history of the period 14688 BC filled 52 volumes and was undoubtedly a storehouse of knowledge for early writers. A gifted dialectician, Poseidonius was notable for his powers of observation, his travel reports, his ironic humour, and his practice of Stoic doctrine.

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