

      city, capital of Pontevedra provincia (province), in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Galicia, northwestern Spain. Situated on the Lérez River at its entry into the Pontevedra Estuary, an Atlantic inlet, Pontevedra has a long maritime and trading tradition. The city's port and shipyards were important in the Middle Ages, and it is probable that Christopher Columbus (Columbus, Christopher)'s ship the Santa Maria (Santa María) was built there. Legend says that it was founded by a Greek, Teukro, who called it Helenes, but more likely it was of Roman originhence its old name Pons Vetus (“Old Bridge”), from the 11-arch bridge that, with modifications, still spans the Lérez. Noteworthy buildings include the Plateresque Church of Santa María la Mayor (152059), a national monument; the 14th-century Gothic convents of San Francisco (also a national monument) and Santa Clara; the Rococo La Peregrina Sanctuary (177892); and the ruins of the 14th-century Convent of Santo Domingo, now an archaeological museum.

      Pontevedra is dominated by shipyards, fishing ports, and vibrant commercial activity. Its industries include the manufacture of canned foods, cloth, hats, leather, pottery, fertilizers, timber, and cellulose; and there is an active trade in grain, timber, fish, wine, and fruit. Education, health care, and public administration are the city's main services; its commerce and finance industries are entwined with those of the nearby cities Vigo and Santiago de Compostela. Pop. (2006 est.) 58,197.

      provincia (province) in the comunidad autónoma (autonomous community) of Galicia, northwestern Spain. It is mountainous, with an Atlantic coastline deeply indented by the picturesque rías (inlets) of Arousa, Pontevedra, and Vigo. Cattle, pigs, timber, agricultural produce, fish, and shellfish are exported. Vigo, with one of the best harbours in Europe, is a port of call for transatlantic shipping and is also Spain's most important fishing port. Shipbuilding, metallurgical, electrical, automotive, and chemical industries are associated with the harbour. Other ports are Vilagarcía (also a resort), Marín (with a naval academy), and Pontevedra, the provincial capital. Tourism, especially during the summer season, has increased in importance. Area 1,736 square miles (4,495 square km). Pop. (2007 est.) 947,639.

Vicente Rodriguez

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Universalium. 2010.

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