Pollio, Gaius Asinius

Pollio, Gaius Asinius

▪ Roman historian and orator
born 76 BC, Italy
died AD 4, , Tusculum, near Rome

      Roman orator, poet, and historian who wrote a contemporary history that, although lost, provided much of the material for Appian and Plutarch.

      Pollio moved in the literary circle of Catullus and entered public life in 56. In 54 he impeached unsuccessfully the tribune C. Cato, incurring Pompey's displeasure. In the Civil War he joined Caesar (Caesar, Julius) at the Rubicon and campaigned in Africa with Curio and (49–45) in Greece, Africa, and Spain with Caesar, for whom he held a praetorian command in Spain against Sextus Pompey (44). On Caesar's death he followed Antony (Antony, Mark), for whom he governed Cisalpine Gaul. There he was friendly with Virgil and in distributing land to veterans saved the poet's property from confiscation. He stood aloof in the Perusine War but held his army firmly in Antony's interests, and he shared in the negotiations leading to the pact of Brundisium between Antony and Octavian in 40. In that year he was consul, and Virgil addressed his Fourth Eclogue to him. In 39 Pollio subdued the Parthini, an Illyrian people. From the booty he built the first public library in Rome, in the Atrium Libertatis, which he restored. With full honours he then retired from public life. Unwilling to join Antony in the east, hoping for nothing from Octavian, he took no part in the Actium campaign (31) and subsequently maintained a position of republican dignity and independence. He gave hospitality to the rhetorician Timagenes, when the latter was in disgrace with Augustus. This was the main period of his activity as an advocate, and he devoted himself to the support of literature, organizing public recitations.

      Pollio was a distinguished orator, combining, according to Tacitus and Seneca, careful composition and dry Atticist elegance in strict presentation of his argument. His style displeased Ciceronian critics, and his speeches are lost. As a poet he was accepted by Catullus, Helvius Cinna, and Virgil. He also wrote tragedies, which Virgil and Horace praised, but he ceased to write serious verse when he turned to history shortly after 35. His Historiae (History of the Civil Wars) covered the period from 60 probably to 42—that is, from the First Triumvirate to Philippi, the period in which the Roman Republic fell. A stern critic of men and style, he corrected Caesar, attacked Cicero, and praised Brutus; he reprimanded Sallust for archaism and Livy for a quality of provincialism that Pollio termed Patavinitas. Above all, he defended Roman libertas under the principate of Augustus.

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