
Mer·lo (mĕrʹlō)
A city of eastern Argentina, a suburb of Buenos Aires. Population: 293,059.

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      cabecera (county seat) and partido (county) of Gran (Greater) Buenos Aires, eastern Argentina, west of the city of Buenos Aires, in Buenos Aires provincia (province). The region of the present-day county was colonized shortly after the second and permanent founding of Buenos Aires (1580). In 1730 an interim parish was founded near the estancia (landholding) of Francisco de Merlo. In that same year, Merlo founded the Villa de San Antonio del Camino, which was renamed later in his honour. For many years, the development of Merlo lagged behind the growth of nearby Morón. In 1865 the region was officially declared a county. The county seat of Merlo was formerly important solely as a railroad junction and trade centre for the surrounding agricultural and pastoral lands. About half of the county now lies within the Gran Buenos Aires urban area, and the population density is less than that of most of the counties in Gran Buenos Aires. Pop. (2001) city, 244,168; county, 468,745.

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Universalium. 2010.

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  • Merlo — steht für: Merlo (Buenos Aires), eine Stadt im Ballungsraum von Buenos Aires (Argentinien) Partido Merlo, eine Verwaltungseinheit in der Provinz Buenos Aires (Argentinien) Merlo (San Luis), Ort in der argentinischen Provinz San Luis Merl,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Merlo — may refer to: Villa de Merlo, San Luis Province, Argentina Merlo Partido, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina Merlo, Buenos Aires (head town of Merlo Partido), Argentina Merlo Station High School an alternative high school in the Beaverton School… …   Wikipedia

  • merlo (1) — {{hw}}{{merlo (1)}{{/hw}}s. m.  (f. a ) 1 Uccello, nero con becco giallo il maschio, bruno rossastra e becco scuro la femmina, onnivoro, addomesticabile. 2 (fig.) Persona sciocca, ingenua: è proprio un –m. ETIMOLOGIA: dal lat. merulus, variante… …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • merlo — / mɛrlo/ s.m. [lat. mĕrŭla ]. 1. (zool.) [uccello passeriforme della famiglia turdidi]. 2. (f. a ) (fig.) [persona sciocca, che si fa facilmente abbindolare e ingannare] ▶◀ allocco, babbeo, (lett.) badalone, credulone, gonzo, (tosc.) grullo,… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • merlo — |é| s. m. 1. Melro. • adj. 2. Mero …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • merlo — (Del lat. merŭlus). 1. m. mirlo (ǁ pájaro). 2. budión …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Merlo — Por Merlo puede entenderse: las siguientes personas: Enrique Gorriarán Merlo, guerrillero argentino. Fernando Merlo, poeta español. Luis Merlo, actor español. Luis Merlo de la Fuente,gobernador del reino de Chile. Rafael Porlán Merlo, poeta… …   Wikipedia Español

  • merlo — 1mèr·lo s.m. 1a. AD uccello dal verso melodioso molto comune nei boschi, nei giardini e nei terreni coltivati, il cui maschio è caratterizzato da piumaggio nero lucido e becco giallo e la femmina da piumaggio marrone grigiastro e becco bruno |… …   Dizionario italiano

  • Merlo — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom.  Pour l’article homophone, voir Merlot. Merlo est un nom de famille notamment porté par : Aimé Merlo (1880 1909), historien, critique d art,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Merlo — (Del lat. vulgar merulus, mirlo.) ► sustantivo masculino 1 ZOOLOGÍA Pez teleósteo marino, de tamaño mediano y color azul intenso, que vive en el Mediterráneo y en el Atlántico. (Labrus murula.) 2 ZOOLOGÍA Zorzal marino, pez acantopterigio. * * *… …   Enciclopedia Universal

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