Philoxenus Of Mabbug

Philoxenus Of Mabbug

Syrian bishop
Syriac Akhsěnāyā
born c. 440, , Tahal, Beth-Garmaï [near modern Kirkūk, Iraq]
died c. 523, , Gangra, Paphlagonia [near modern Samsun, Turkey]

      Syrian bishop, theologian, and classical author. He was a leader of the Jacobite monophysite church, a heterodox group that taught the existence of a single subject in Christ, the Logos, and followed the theology of Cyril of Alexandria (c. 375444). He also contributed significantly to the Syriac literary heritage, particularly with the Philoxenian New Testament based on the original Greek text.

      A student at the school of Edessa, now Urfa, Tur., Philoxenus rejected the Nestorian doctrine of Christ that posited in him an autonomous human nature conjoined to the divinity simply by a moral bond. Instead, Philoxenus emphasized the dynamic hegemony of Christ's divinity over his humanity. Because of his zeal in expounding the Monophysite cause, he was expelled from Edessa by the Orthodox patriarch of Antioch. But with the support of Peter the Fuller, Monophysite patriarch of Antioch, Philoxenus was named bishop of Hierapolis (Mabbug), near modern Aleppo, Syria, in 485.

      Investigated by Flavian II, orthodox successor to Peter the Fuller, Philoxenus was condemned as a heretic by Macedonius, patriarch of Constantinople. Supported, however, by the new emperor, Anastasius I, Philoxenus undertook a campaign to replace Orthodox bishops with Monophysite churchmen. At the accession of the Orthodox emperor Justin I in 518, Philoxenus was exiled to Philippopolis, now Plovdiv, Bulg., where he continued his polemical and ascetical writings during the rigours of captivity. It is possible he died violently.

      Philoxenus collaborated in a Syriac version of the New Testament in about 508 with Polycarp of Hierapolis, his chorepiscopus (“auxiliary bishop”). Together with the celebrated Peshitta, an early Syriac Bible text, the Philoxenian New Testament, as it is called, served as the principal scriptural source for Syriac Christianity for two centuries. The Discourses of Philoxenus, 2 vol. (1894), a collection of 13 of Philoxenus' addresses on the Christian life, were edited and translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis Budge.

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Universalium. 2010.

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