Phillpotts, Eden

Phillpotts, Eden

British writer
born November 4, 1862, Mount Abu, Rājasthān, India
died December 29, 1960, Broad Clyst, near Exeter, Devon, England

      British novelist, poet, and dramatist especially noted for novels evoking their Devon setting in a manner reminiscent of the style of Thomas Hardy.

      Phillpotts was educated at Plymouth and for 10 years was a clerk in an insurance office. He then studied for the stage and later decided to become a writer. He produced more than 100 novels, many of them about rural Devon life. Among his more important works are the novels Children of the Mist (1898), Sons of the Morning (1900), and Widecombe Fair (1913); the autobiographical studies of boyhood and adolescence, The Human Boy (1899) and The Waters of the Walla (1950); the plays The Farmer's Wife (1917) and Yellow Sands (with his daughter Adelaide, 1926); and the poetry collections The Iscariot (1912), Brother Beast (1928), and The Enchanted Wood (1948). He also wrote One Thing and Another (1954), a collection of poems and essays.

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  • Eden Phillpotts — (* 4. November 1862 in Mount Abu, Indien; † 29. Dezember 1960 in Broad Clyst bei Exeter) war ein englischer Schriftsteller. Er schrieb zahlreiche Werke unterschiedlicher literarischer Bedeutung, darunter Kriminal und Gesellschaftsromane sowie… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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