Philidor, André

Philidor, André

French musician and composer
original family name  Danican , byname  L'aîné 
born c. 1652
died Aug. 11, 1730, Dreux, France

      musician and composer, an outstanding member of a large and important family of musicians long connected with the French court.

      The first recorded representatives of the family were Michel Danican (died c. 1659), upon whom the nickname Philidor (the name of a famous Italian musician) was bestowed by Louis XIII as a complimentary reference to his skill, and André's father Jean (died 1679), who, like Michel, played various instruments in the Grande Écurie, the king's band. André and his brothers, Jacques, calledle Cadet” (died 1708), and Alexandre, whose birth and death dates are unknown, also played in the royal band.

      André distinguished himself as a performer in Louis XIV's chamber and chapel and composed several divertissements, or opéra ballets, for royal entertainment, as well as marches, fanfares, and similar music. Further, as keeper of the royal music library from 1684, he collected hundreds of volumes of dances, operas, sacred music, songs, marches, and other music from the time of Henry III onward; a large part of this invaluable collection survives.

      André and Jacques each had children who carried on the family tradition, the most important being André's son François-André Philidor (Philidor, François-André) (q.v.), noted as a composer and chess player. Another son of André, Michel, whose birth and death dates are unknown, a drummer in the Grande Écurie, is said to have worked with the instrument builder Jacques Hotteterre (Hotteterre, Jacques) (q.v.) in the invention of the oboe.

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