Ralph Barton Perry — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ralph Barton Perry (nacido el 3 de julio de 1876 en Poultney, Vermont; fallecido el 22 de enero de 1957 en Boston, Massachusetts) fue un filósofo americano. Se educó en Princeton (Bachelor of Arts en 1896) y en la… … Wikipedia Español
Ralph Barton Perry — (3 July 1876 in Poultney, Vermont 22 January 1957 in Boston, Massachusetts) was an American philosopher. He was educated at Princeton (B.A., 1896) and at Harvard (M.A., 1897; Ph.D., 1899), where, after teaching philosophy for three years at… … Wikipedia
Ralph Barton Perry — noun United States philosopher (1876 1957) • Syn: ↑Perry • Instance Hypernyms: ↑philosopher … Useful english dictionary
Perry (disambiguation) — Perry is an alcoholic beverage made of fermented pear juice.Perry may also refer to:* Perry (album), by American singer Perry Como * Perry (car), a pre–World War I British car maker * Perry Drug Stores, a defunct drugstore chain in the United… … Wikipedia
Perry — [ perɪ], 1) Matthew Calbraith, amerikanischer Marineoffizier, * South Kingston (R. I.) 10. 4. 1794, ✝ New York 4. 3. 1858; führte 1843 Verbände nach Afrika, um den Sklavenhandel zu unterbinden; erreichte als Commodore eines Geschwaders im… … Universal-Lexikon
Perry — Perry1 [per′ē] n. [? orig., a dim. of Pers < Fr Piers < L Petrus,PETER1] a masculine name Perry2 [per′ē] 1. Matthew Calbraith [kal′breth΄] 1794 1858; U.S. naval officer: negotiated U.S. Japanese trade treaty (1854) 2. Oliver Hazard… … English World dictionary
Perry — /per ee/, n. 1. Antoinette, 1888 1946, U.S. actress, theatrical manager, and producer. 2. Bliss, 1860 1954, U.S. educator, literary critic, and editor. 3. Frederick John (Fred), born 1909, British tennis player. 4. Matthew Calbraith /kal brayth/ … Universalium
Perry — I. biographical name Bliss 1860 1954 American educator & critic II. biographical name Matthew Calbraith 1794 1858 American commodore III. biographical name Oliver Hazard 1785 1819 brother of preceding American naval officer IV. biographical name… … New Collegiate Dictionary
axiology — axiological /ak see euh loj i keuhl/, adj. axiologically, adv. axiologist, n. /ak see ol euh jee/, n. the branch of philosophy dealing with values, as those of ethics, aesthetics, or religion. [1905 10; < F axiologie < Gk axí(a) worth, value +… … Universalium
ethics — /eth iks/, n.pl. 1. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) a system of moral principles: the ethics of a culture. 2. the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics;… … Universalium