Perrin, Ami

Perrin, Ami

Swiss religious leader
died 1561

      Swiss opponent of the religious Reformer John Calvin at Geneva and leader of the anti-Calvinist Libertines.

      A member of a prominent Genevese family, Perrin was associated with the city's anti-Savoyard party (Eidguenots) and commanded a company outfitted against the Duke of Savoy in 1529. Between 1544 and 1555 he stood as one of the most powerful figures in Geneva, serving many times as the city's intercantonal and foreign emissary.

      Perrin early embraced the Reformation and championed the cause of Geneva's seminal Reformer, Guillaume Farel. Consequently, he opposed the growth of the Calvinist theocracy, siding with and eventually leading an established party of moderation, the Libertines. In May 1555 an armed rising of his Libertines was resisted by the city's government, and he was condemned to death. He managed to escape to Bern, where, with a few supporters (Fugitifs), he continued a futile opposition in exile.

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Universalium. 2010.

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