Pérez, Antonio

Pérez, Antonio

Spanish courtier
born 1534, Madrid, Spain
died November 3, 1611, Paris, France

      Spanish courtier who was secretary to King Philip II of Spain and later became a fugitive from Philip's court.

      Pérez was an illegitimate son of Gonzalo Pérez, secretary of Philip's predecessor, the emperor Charles V. Charming and well-connected, Pérez quickly rose in Philip's service, becoming the king's secretary (1568) and secretary of several of the royal councils.

      The upstart secretary was hated by many of the grandees (grandee) and by his rivals in the Spanish civil service. The king's favour was unstable, and to safeguard himself, Pérez intrigued with all parties: with Philip II's half-brother Juan de Austria and his secretary, Juan de Escobedo (Escobedo, Juan de), against the king; with the king against Juan de Austria; and perhaps even with the Netherland rebels against both. When Juan de Austria, then governor-general of the Netherlands, sent Escobedo to Spain in 1577 to plead for his plan to invade England and liberate and marry Mary, Queen of Scots, Pérez feared the exposure of his own intrigues. He persuaded the suspicious king that Escobedo was Juan de Austria's evil genius and was plotting treason. The king gave his consent to the murder of Escobedo, and Pérez organized his assassination on March 31, 1578.

      Philip II never forgave Pérez for having forced his hand. On July 28, 1579, he had Pérez and the princess of Eboli arrested. Pérez remained in prison for 11 years, but all efforts to extract a full confession and incriminating documents from him failed. In April 1590 he escaped from Madrid to Aragon and placed himself under the protection of the Aragonese courts. Now, for the first time, he accused the king of the murder of Escobedo. Philip thereupon tried to have Pérez handed over to the Inquisition, but the populace of Saragossa twice rioted (May and September 1591) and prevented this move. Philip considered it rebellion and sent a Castilian army into Aragon (October 1591).

      Pérez fled to France in November. He spent the remainder of his life in France and England, carrying on his polemic against Philip II and contributing to theblack legendabout the king. After Philip II's death (1598), Pérez lost what little influence he had had. He failed to obtain a pardon from Philip III and died in exile. His Relaciones, of which there are many editions, was published in 1598.

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