Pavía y Rodríguez de Alburquerque, Manuel

Pavía y Rodríguez de Alburquerque, Manuel

▪ Spanish general
born Aug. 2, 1827, Cádiz, Spain
died Jan. 4, 1895, Madrid

      Spanish general whose coup d'etat ended Spain's First Republic (1873–74).

      In 1865 Pavía joined the staff of Gen. Juan Prim (Prim, Juan), whom he supported in the unsuccessful uprisings of 1866 and, after two years in exile, in the successful revolution of 1868 that deposed Isabella II (1833–68). After the abdication of Amadeus (February 1873) and the proclamation of the First Republic, Pavía suppressed insurrection in the south of Spain and restored the authority of the central government. On three occasions during 1873 he served as captain general of Madrid.

      Pavía supported Pres. Emilio Castelar y Ripoll (Castelar y Ripoll, Emilio) from September 1873 to Jan. 3, 1874, when Castelar was defeated in the Cortes (National Assembly) and was forced to resign. Castelar had governed firmly and had the confidence of the army. Believing the return to power of more radical republicans would harm both the nation and the army, especially his own artillery corps, Pavía forcibly dissolved the Assembly and summoned Gen. Francisco Serrano y Domínguez (Serrano y Domínguez, Francisco, duque de la Torre) to form a new government. During Serrano's year of rule the First Republic existed in name only.

      After the restoration of Alfonso XII (December 1874), Pavía was elected to the Cortes (1876). He was captain general of Catalonia (1880–81) and of New Castile (1885–86).

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