Paul I, Saint

Paul I, Saint

born , Rome
died June 28, 767, Rome; feast day June 28

      pope from 757 to 767. His alliance with the Franks strengthened the young Papal States.

      Consecrated deacon by Pope St. Zacharias, he became a key member of the Curia under his brother Pope Stephen II (or III), whom he was elected on April 26, 757, to succeed. He secured the support of the Frankish king Pippin III the Short (Pippin III) against the animosity of the Lombard king Desiderius and the Byzantine emperor Constantine V Copronymus.

      In 763 Pippin mediated between Paul and Desiderius, who, allied with the Byzantines, had invaded the Papal States. Concurrently, Paul, heretofore loyal to Constantinople, vigorously protested Constantine's revival of Iconoclasm (Iconoclastic Controversy) (destruction of images). The ensuing Iconoclastic persecution caused an expulsion of many Greek monks, for whom Paul provided refuge in Rome. He is noted for transporting the relics of many saints from the catacombs to Roman churches and for his building projects, including the church of SS. Peter and Paul.

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Universalium. 2010.

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