Pastora Gómez, Edén

Pastora Gómez, Edén

Nicaraguan revolutionary
byname  Zero  or  Commander Zero  
born 1937?

      Nicaraguan guerrilla leader and legendary fighter.

      A military commander of the Sandinista movement, Pastora led the assault on the national palace in Managua on August 22, 1978. Twenty-three men under his command took some 1,000 hostages, about half of them legislators and other government officials, including José Somoza Abrego, nephew of President Anastasio Somoza Debayle, and Somoza's cousin, Luis Paillais Debayle. The government capitulated to the insurgents' demands, freeing 59 political prisoners and paying a reputed ransom of $500,000. The guerrillas, including Pastora, were flown to exile in Panama. This episode initiated a period of heightened political strife that resulted in Somoza's departure from the country and the assumption of power by the Sandinista junta on July 20, 1979. Pastora was named deputy interior minister.

      The junta never allotted Pastora much political power, but, because of his enormous popularity with the masses, he was prominent in every national celebration. In July 1981 Pastora resigned as vice minister of defense and voluntarily exiled himself. He later condemned the junta that he had helped to power for its repressiveness and failure to live up to its ideals, and he founded an insurgent group, which eventually disbanded because of Pastora's refusal to join the U.S.-supported rebels. After escaping an assassination attempt in 1983, Pastora moved to Costa Rica, where he was granted citizenship. The Nicaraguan congress barred him from seeking election in 1996; however, his Nicaraguan citizenship was again recognized in 2000.

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Universalium. 2010.

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